13 August 2017

Jeff Christensen 1 hr · Stephen Miller of Iowa, Supreme Court appointee of Mr. Lincoln of Illinois, was one of many moderate Republicans who hoped, in 1865, that the Confederates responsible for the recent national bloodbath would be stripped of all power and influence. "It is my profound conviction," he is quoted in Michael A. Ross's biography, 'Justice of Shattered Dreams,' that restored to power, the southern elite would "prolong indefinitely the struggle which led to the war. . . Their constant effort would be as it has been for many years, to stir up strife between northern and southern interests." The traitorous elite should be left "in a condition where they can exercise no legitimate influence on popular opinion, where they can hold no office, and . . . in cases when they show a sullen or evil tendency, I would cripple their influence in all possible ways." Their influence was not crippled, of course, and their sullen and evil tendencies have indeed been prolongeed indefinitely, and still poison our land, as yesterday's events attest. The dog whistles from the White House serve every Confederate jackanape whose bones rot in well-placed plots, and whose bronze memorials still pollute civic vistas, all across the south. Enough of them, enough of their foot soldiers and enough of their apologists: there are "awful consequences usually attendant upon treason," Miller said, and one hopes those measures will be soon applied to the whole deserving lot.

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